The latest from CA-WN Exchange - May 2023

“Urgent climate action can secure a liveable future for all” was the headline of the press release around the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). At first glance, it sounds quite upbeat! But then it’s that word, ‘liveable’…and its antonym, which is the implied consequence if we don’t take urgent action. This most recent IPCC synthesis report is intended to inform governments to help develop climate policy. I really hope those in charge are reading it intently, because the report has been hailed the ‘final warning’ to avert climate disaster.
As an individual, reading about the climate emergency can make you feel hopeless, helpless and very much alone. That’s why for me finding my tribe in CA-WN, and other environmental groups I’m part of, has been an important aspect of managing climate anxiety. So the net effect of me attending The Big One was a comforting one. If you’re wondering what I’m referring to, I’ll forgive you. The mainstream media coverage of Extinction Rebellion’s 4-day protest in Westminster over 21–24 April was woeful. Tens of thousands of concerned individuals, representing themselves and a multitude of organisations, descended on Parliament Square and its environs to demand an end to the fossil fuel era and the establishment of emergency citizens’ assemblies to guide decisions in the best interests of the public. The atmosphere was exhilarating, it felt safe and right to be there, to stand up and be counted and hopefully be part of a turning point in history. This event was different to the civil disobedience events – I’ve never personally taken part in disruptive behaviour but I understand the desperation behind it. The change in tactics by Extinction Rebellion may help bring more people on board, but if the mainstream media largely ignore this massive event, then you could understand why tactics may revert to civil disobedience as the urgency to be heard accelerates. Whether this event has had the desired effect or not, it feels awesome to have been part of something bigger than the sum of its parts and be on the right side of history.
It’s apt, therefore, that collaboration is the theme of Alexina’s latest Business as a Force for Good feature. She tells us what local businesses are doing, both in our area and globally, to make a positive impact - something which should make us proud of Northamptonshire.
This month we also invite our supporters to collaborate with us, by suggesting ways you could help to deliver our objectives.
There was of course a May event that cannot be ignored; we share Bugbrooke Environmental Working Group's guide to sustainable celebrations as we look forward to further events. We also include a reminder of the King's environmental commitment, with the hope that his leadership will inspire others.
Latest Posts from the CA-WN Community
🔹Stronger Together - Is collaboration the way to navigate today's tough business environment?
🔹Water - Too Much/Too Little - our Farming Correspondent Rupert Knowles shares some helpful insights into how water is used by plants and how this knowledge can be used to water crops and plant trees successfully.
🔹To dig deeper into the issues surrounding our vital water supply, check out three expert presentations on Water Security, Hydrogeology, and Anglian Water's response to the considerable challenges facing the UK's water industry.
🔹Fiddling in Rome - Peter Doveston writes about initiatives by West Northamptonshire Council to revise school transport services, sadly in a way that may lead to fewer children travelling by bus and therefore more cars at school gates, and to measure air quality. And wonders whether WNC have got the balance right between measurement and data collection, and taking action.
🔹Hosting a sustainable celebration - how to reduce the environmental impact of your event, from recycled fabric bunting to alternatives to single-use tableware and how you dispose of food waste.
🔹Three cheers for King Charles! - could this be the age of environmental enlightenment, led by our new monarch?
🔹Bookshelf and Podcast Shelf - this month our community recommends Ravenous by Henry Dimbleby and Outrage!+Optimism
🔹Small things are important - Dr Paul Slater shares three personal actions he has taken in response to climate change
🔹And a new recipe with royal colour from Patsy Hollingum
How You Can Help - a new page where we suggest practical ways you could support CA-WN's work