Local climate and environmental groups

There are so many brilliant groups local to West Northamptonshire and the neighbouring areas - if there's one in your neighbourhood, why not contact them to get involved. And if there isn't perhaps you could start one?
Do let us know of any groups missing from this list.

Groups in West Northants

The Blackcurrent Centre
Eco friendly housing co-op
Social Media: facebook.com/BlackcurrentCentre
Website: www.blackcurrent.uk/

Boddington Sustainability Group
A village parish council group that advises the parish council and supports local people. Read more about them on CA-WN Exchange in Local Matters.
Website: www.boddingtonparish.co.uk/index.php/information/sustainability

Braunston CAN (Climate Action Network)
A local village climate action group.
Website: https://www.braunston.org.uk/org.aspx?n=Braunston-CAN-Climate-Action-Network

Brixworth Climate Action Group
A local village climate action group. They can be contacted via Brixworth Parish Council.
Website: https://www.brixworthparishcouncil.gov.uk/

Bugbrooke Environmental Working Group
A local village environmental group working on increasing renewable energy, improving options for low carbon travel and biodiversity in Bugbrooke.
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/BugbrookeEnvironmental
Website: www.bugbrookeparishcouncil.org/bewg

Extinction Rebellion Northampton
A local group under the Extinction Rebellion umbrella based in Northampton.
Social Media: m.facebook.com/261181181474410/?locale=en_GB
Website: www.rebellion.global/groups/gb-northampton/

Flore Climate Group
A local village environmental group.
Website: www.florevillage.co.uk/clubs-groups

Greener Byfield
A local group working to make Byfield greener. Read more about them on CA-WN Exchange in Local Matters
Website: www.byfield-pc.gov.uk/carbon-neutral-byfield.html

Green Welford
A local community group in the village of Welford they have fortnightly coffee mornings and monthly mending groups as well as events.
Social media: facebook.com/groups/1625772687624953/
Website: www.welfordvillage.org.uk/green-welford1.html

Maidwell Being
This group meets on the 2nd Saturday of every month (not July and August) in the Loder Hall, Maidwell. Find out more by emailing Amanda Goddard on cllragoddard@gmail.com.

Northampton Town Climate Change Forum
A group of councillors and members of the public volunteering their time to raise awareness of climate change and air quality.
Social Media: facebook.com/ClimateChangeNN/
Website: www.northamptontowncouncil.gov.uk/climate-change-forum.html

Northamptonshire Biodiversity Records Centre
A not for profit organisation that supports the recording and sharing of verified environmental information.
Website: www.northantsbrc.org.uk/

Northants Litter Wombles
There are 37 Womble groups across Northamptonshire. They organise regular group litter picks; members also pick litter in their own time and post it on their Wombles Facebook group.
Social media: facebook.com/groups/421049525826164/?locale=en_GB
Website: www.northantslitterwombles.co.uk/groups/

Northamptonshire Natural History Society
This group is for anyone fascinated by the natural world, they provide talks, walks and visits throughout the year.
Website: www.nnhs.info/

Northamptonshire Woodland Community Volunteers
A not for profit community group aiming to increase the woodland coverage in Northamptonshire.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/share/dfCfzhQ9BNcWwFuf/

RAIN Northants (Resilience and Innovation Northants)
The Resilience And Innovation Northants (RAIN) project has launched to trial and implement innovative flood risk measures in communities located in the Harpers Brook and Wootton Brook catchments.
Website: https://rainnorthants.co.uk/

South Court Environmental
Holds regular events and supports wildlife and conservation in 8 sites across Northampton, including managing the historic orchards at Wilson's Orchard and Abington Lodge.
Social media: facebook.com/Southcourtenviromental
Website: www.uk.coop/directory/south-court-environmental

Transition Town Northampton
A Northampton group, part of the wider Transition Town movement, that meets monthly and organises events and campaigns.
Social media: facebook.com/137911752912339/
Website: www.transitiontownnorthampton.org/

Trees for Welford
A village group hoping to plant hundreds if not thousands of indigenous trees in their local area.
Website: www.welfordvillage.org.uk/trees-for-welford.html

The Umbrella Fair Organisation
Based at the Racecourse in Northampton, the UFO runs climate cafes and a wide range if other events and activities.
Website: www.umbrellafair.org.uk/
Social media: facebook.com/UmbrellaFair

West Northamptonshire Sustainable Food Place
Aims to improve the quality of how food is produced in West Northamptonshire.
Website: https://www.sustainablefoodplaces.org/members/westnorthamptonshire/

Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs and Northants.
There are 4 local Wildlife Trust groups in Northamptonshire - Brackley, Towcester, Desborough & District, and Oundle

Yelvertoft Environmental Group
A relaxed local group looking to make a change both as individuals and as a community.
Website: https://yelvertoftenvironmentalgroup.org/

Groups in neighbouring areas

Bozeat Conservation Group St Marys Church Yard
A group of eco-friendly conservationists are improving biodiversity in St Marys Church Yard in the village of Bozeat.
Social media: facebook.com/groups/2913352092120814/

Harborough Climate Action
Part of the Sustainable Harborough Community, based in Market Harborough. Their purpose is to help local residents, businesses, community groups, public bodies and politicians tackle the Climate Crisis and reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Net Zero.
Website: https://www.sustainableharboroughcommunity.co.uk/hca

Harborough Woodland Community Volunteers
Planting over 34,000 mostly free trees in West Northamptonshire and South Leicestershire in schools, farms, and instigating 12 large area natural flood management schemes on the Welland Catchment. Helping set up new tree planting groups. Started Greener Schools Group for teachers from about 30 schools to share good ideas. Members won national awards: River Restoration Champion 2022; and one of 500 winners of Royal Voluntary Service Coronation Champion Awards in the UK.
Website: www.harboroughwoodland.com
Email: info@harboroughwoodland.com
Facebook groups: Harborough Woodland Community Volunteers; Natural Flood Management UK; Friends of River Welland (includes the River Jordan from near Desborough and important run off from West Northamptonshire)

Kettering eco group
A group of eco-minded individuals who want to promote eco ideas, tips, and tricks in Kettering.
Social media: https://m.facebook.com/ketteringecogroup

Napton Environmental Action Team (NEAT)
A local village environmental group in the village of Napton.
Social Media: www.facebook.com/NaptonEnvironmentalActionTeam/

North Northants Sustainable Food Network
Working towards the eradication of food poverty and promoting sustainable food practices.
Website: www.sustainablefoodplaces.org/members/north-northants/

Save Our Trees - Wellingborough Walks Action Group
A group campaigning to stop Britain’s longest avenue of trees being cut down in Wellingborough.
Website: www.saveourtrees.co.uk/#:~:text=Hello

Save Weekley Hall Wood
A campaign to save a wood and wildflower meadow in Kettering from being destroyed by developers.
Social Media: m.facebook.com/saveweekleyhallwood?locale=en_GB
Website: www.saveweekleyhallwood.com

Wellingborough Climate Action Project
A Wellingborough based project where different community partners come together to work on practical changes to fight climate change.
Website: www.wcap.org.uk

Wellingborough Eco Group
A local town group, they host various activities including repair cafes, swap shops and litter picking.
Social media: facebook.com/groups/473100599937079/?locale=en_GB
Website: www.wellingboroughecogroup.org.uk