Wednesday 31 July
Climate Café at The Umbrella Fair*
Friday 2 August
CA-WN field trip to Syan Farms/Eat Curious, Horton
Wednesday 14 August
Climate Café at The Umbrella Fair*
Wednesday 11 September
CA-WN Climate Cafe (online)
Thursday 19 September
Film screening - Six Inches of Soil, Daventry
Wednesday 9 October
Climate Summit for Town and Parish Councils

Full details of all events below.

Scroll right down to see details of guest speakers at CA-WN public meetings in the next few months.

Vertical Farming Field Trip

Friday 2 August, 3:30pm - 5:00pm, Syan Farms, Horton Lodge Farm, Brafield Road, Horton, NN7 2BA
Horton Lodge Farm is the home of Syan Farms, an innovative vertical farming operation, and Eat Curious, producer of delicious meat-free food.
CA-WN has arranged a tour so we can see these ventures in action. Find out more about them here https://syanfarms.com/ https://eat-curious.com/
The tour will take up to 90 minutes, and afterwards we plan to meet up at the Old Cherry Tree in Great Houghton for a drink and a chat.
Places are limited so please book https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/939916925827?aff=oddtdtcreator

CA-WN Climate Café

Wednesday 11 September 8:00pm - 9:00pm (online)
Open to everyone, wherever you are. We offer a safe space to talk about thoughts, concerns or questions related to climate change. Register for free to receive a Zoom link.

Film Screening - Six Inches of Soil

Thursday 19 September 5:00pm - 8:30pm, The Arc Cinema, Mulberry Place, Daventry, Northants NN11 4GH
CA-WN is pleased to be co-hosting a showing of this popular documentary film following the stories of three UK farmers who have decided to change the way they produce food and move away from industrial farming to a more sustainable regenerative approach. The screening will be followed by a panel Q&A featuring Dr Lucy Michaels from the team that made the film plus local people involved in regen farming and food systems.
Tickets are available to book direct from the cinema https://daventry.arccinema.co.uk/. The basic ticket price is £10 but if you come with a friend you can book 2 tickets for £14.

Six Inches of Soil
The inspiring story of British farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food - to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide for local communities.

Climate Summit for Town and Parish Councils

Wednesday 9 October, Delapre Abbey, Northampton
Further details to follow - if you are a parish councillor or clerk and would be interested in attending please let us know to go on the priority booking list.

*Umbrella Fair Climate Cafes

Every other Wednesday from 7:30pm at the Umbrella Pavilion, the Racecourse, Northampton
On the first and third Wednesdays of each month, the Umbrella Climate Emergency Action Hub hold a “Climate Café”. Many local people attend this to socialise, meet with other concerned citizens and get stuck into other community activities that look to improve our climate and environment. https://www.facebook.com/UmbrellaFair

Friends of the Earth training and events

CA-WN is affiliated to FoE as a Climate Action Group, which provides benefits including access to their training and events. This includes on 19th April an introduction to Active Hope, a resilience and wellbeing practice designed to help us find and offer our best response to the crises unfolding in our world. Details and booking: https://groups.friendsoftheearth.uk/training/training-and-events.

Regular CA-WN events

2nd Wednesday of every month online Climate Café 8:00 - 9:00 pm
3rd Thursday of every month General Meeting (online) 7:45 - 9:00 pm
(with the exception of the May meeting which will be on 30th May)

All Climate Cafes and general meetings are free and open to all. Find out more and register for free on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/climate-action-west-northamptonshire-34423488393

Guest speakers for future CA-WN monthly public meetings
June 20th - Russell Horsey, Urban Forester and consultant leading work on WNC's Tree Strategy.
July 18th - Declan Ryan, Associate Professor at the University of Northampton on Northampton’s Active Quarter
September 19th - Tim O’Callaghan from Electric Places, Corby
October 17th - Guest speaker tbc
November 21st - Emmie Williamson, with the second in a series of four talks on Climate Psychology

Click here for details of past speakers.