Outrage! + Optimism

Outrage! + Optimism

I’ve been listening to Outrage & Optimism for several years. Its credentials as a source of information and comment on global climate and environmental issues are impeccable; one of the three co-hosts is Christiana Figueres, who as Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was one of the architects of the 2015 Paris Agreement. This means they can book some really well informed guests from both the climate activist movement and the global ‘establishment’.

I’d particularly recommend a recent short series the podcast ran on Momentum vs Perfection, which examined tensions within the climate movement about how to go about achieving the changes that are so desperately needed. I found both programmes absorbing and informative.

At the end of each episode (though not the Momentum vs Perfection series), the question is always asked of guests, ‘What outrages you and what makes you feel optimistic?’. A question we could all consider occasionally to remind ourselves why we do what we do.

Climate Change Podcast | Outrage + Optimism
A podcast taking you behind the scenes on the politics, investments and actions meeting the climate crisis head on like no other.