Thursday 20 February
Sea Level Rise - Projections and Future Coastal Impacts (online)
Thursday 20 February
CA-WN monthly public meeting (online)
Saturday 22 February
Seedy Saturday (Northampton)
Thursday 6 March
Adaptation and resilience: Place-based decision making for a changing climate (online)
Saturday 8 March
CA-WN Social Get-together
Wednesday 12 March
CA-WN Climate Cafe (online)
Wednesday 19 March
People, Planet, Pint (Brampton Halt, Pitsford)

Full details of all events below.

Scroll right down to see details of guest speakers at CA-WN public meetings in the next few months.

Sea Level Rise - Projections and Future Coastal Impacts

Thursday 20 February 6:30pm - 7:30pm (online)
This free event hosted by the East Midlands branch of the Royal Meteorological Society features expert speakers who will present an overview of the UK Climate Projections with a particular focus on the Marine Projections including sea level rise, storm surges and waves.
More information and registration here: https://www.rmets.org/event/sea-level-rise-projections-and-future-coastal-impacts

CA-WN Monthly Public Meeting

Thursday 20 February 7:45pm - 9:00pm (online)
Our meetings are open to all and newcomers are very welcome.  
February's guest speaker is Niall Toru, a senior lawyer at Friends of the Earth, who will talk to us about 'Climate in the Courts'. He will give us an update on recent high-profile cases, their impacts and how they might shape future climate action.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1057198100979?aff=oddtdtcreator

Seedy Saturday

Saturday 22 February 10:00am - 2:00pm, The Doddridge Centre (opposite Church's Shoes factory), Northampton, NN5 5LD
Seedy Saturday is a community seed swap event offering a wide range of fruit, vegetable, herb and flower seeds to choose from, including some rare and unusual varieties you won't find in the catalogues. There will also be a marketplace selling garden and eco-related goods, community groups, and a pop-up café serving a range of hot food, drinks and snacks. https://www.facebook.com/northamptonseedysaturday

Adaptation and resilience: Place-based decision making for a changing climate

Thursday 6 March 12:15pm - 1:15pm (online)
This webinar hosted by CIWEM and ADEPT will feature experts from the water and environmental sectors exploring the critical role of resilient systems, organisations, and communities in tackling climate change. It will raise awareness of the vital contributions of local authority place directors in shaping the places where we live, work, and thrive and discuss different perspectives on tackling the climate resilience challenges we all face.
Booking: https://www.ciwem.org/events/ciwem-president-and-adept-resilient-places-webinar

CA-WN Social Get-together

Saturday 8 March 2:00pm - 4:00pm, downstairs in the café at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery, 4-6 Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DP
This is an informal gathering for anyone interested in CA-WN and what we do. Pop along to have a coffee and a chat. If you want to borrow a book from our library, send us a message and we'll bring it along.

CA-WN Climate Cafe

Wednesday 12 March 8:00pm - 9:00pm (online)
Climate Cafes offer a safe space to share how you are feeling about climate change. There is no pressure to join in, no commitment to attend subsequent events, just conversation with like-minded people.
These monthly events are open to anyone and we are often joined by people from other parts of the UK and even other parts of the world.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1057237749569?aff=oddtdtcreator

People, Planet, Pint

Wednesday 19 March 6:00pm - 8:00pm - Brampton Halt, Pitsford
Anyone interested in sustainability, climate issues, nature, biodiversity, as individuals or as part of their businesses are welcome. No agenda, no workshops. This is a relaxed, informal event and the first 33 drinks are free courtesy of sponsors Small99 and Krystal Web-hosting. See you there!
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/northampton-small99s-people-planet-pinttm-sustainability-meetup-tickets-1155410998399

*Umbrella Fair Climate Cafes

Every other Wednesday from 7:30pm at the Umbrella Pavilion, the Racecourse, Northampton
On the first and third Wednesdays of each month, the Umbrella Climate Emergency Action Hub hold a “Climate Café”. Many local people attend this to socialise, meet with other concerned citizens and get stuck into other community activities that look to improve our climate and environment. https://www.facebook.com/UmbrellaFair

Friends of the Earth training and events

CA-WN is affiliated to FoE as a Climate Action Group, which provides benefits including access to their training and events. This includes on 19th April an introduction to Active Hope, a resilience and wellbeing practice designed to help us find and offer our best response to the crises unfolding in our world. Details and booking: https://groups.friendsoftheearth.uk/training/training-and-events.

Regular CA-WN events

2nd Wednesday of every month online Climate Café 8:00 - 9:00 pm
3rd Thursday of every month General Meeting (online) 7:45 - 9:00 pm

All Climate Cafes and general meetings are free and open to all. Find out more and register for free on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/climate-action-west-northamptonshire-34423488393

Guest speakers for future CA-WN monthly public meetings
February 20th - Niall Toru, Senior Lawyer, Friends of the Earth.
March 20th - Alan Ryan, Programme Manager Flood and Water Team, WNC
April 17th - Climate Adaptation Risk Workshop
May 15th - Natasha Ginks from https://www.renovategreen.co.uk/ and Cosy Homes Oxfordshire

Register for free on Eventbrite.

Click here for details of past speakers.