Wednesday 22 January
Climate Psychology talk (Kettering)
Wednesday 22 January
Clean Air Northamptonshire meeting (Northampton)
Saturday 25 January
Tree Harvest (East Hunsbury)
Saturday 25 January
Climate Action - Food Waste and Composting (West Hunsbury)
Saturday 8 February
Tree Distribution Day (East Hunsbury)
Wednesday 12 February
CA-WN Climate Cafe (online)
Friday 14 February
Show the Love (Towcester)
Thursday 20 February
CA-WN monthly public meeting (online)

Full details of all events below.

Scroll right down to see details of guest speakers at CA-WN public meetings in the next few months.

Climate Psychology talk

Wednesday 22 January 7:00pm - 8:00pm, St Andrews Church Hall, Kettering NN16 8RG
This talk is being given by Dr Emmie Williamson, who has been a very good guest speaker at our public meetings. This event will be the same talk that Emmie gave to CA-WN in March 2024 - well worth seeing if you missed that meeting, or would enjoy seeing the talk in person.

Clean Air Northamptonshire meeting - Clean Air Night

Wednesday 22 January 7:00 pm, The Charles Bradlaugh, 1 Earl Street, Northampton, NN1 3AU
Anybody interested in learning more about air pollution is welcome to attend Clean Air Northamptonshire's meeting on Clean Air Night for a drink and a chat.  The group will look at the air quality impacts of various local government policy documents such as the Air Quality Action Plan, the draft Local Transport Plan, and the draft Climate Change Strategy.
Further information from Dave Pearson on 07985256581 0r davedavepearson@gmail.com.

Tree Harvest

Saturday 25 January 11:00am - 2:00pm, Lapwing Close, East Hunsbury, NN4 ORZ
Northamptonshire Woodland Community Volunteers are returning to Grangewood Park in East Hunsbury for a second tree harvest, courtesy of East Hunsbury Parish Council. Find out more and register to attend here https://treeplanner.moretreesnow.eco/events/east-hunsbury-grangewood-park-harvest-jan-2025

Climate Action - Food Waste and Composting

Saturday 25 January 10:00am - 12:00pm, Parsons Meade Community Centre, NN4 9PS
This free session is hosted by West Hunsbury Parish Council and includes an expert speaker on composting and growing from Garden Organic.

Tree Distribution Day

Saturday 8 February 11:00am - 2:00pm, Lapwing Close, East Hunsbury, NN4 ORZ
With the Tree Hub well stocked with saplings harvested by Northamptonshire Woodland Community Volunteers, this is the day that groups and individuals can collect trees for their planting projects. Find out more and register here (you will not be able to collect trees without registering in advance). https://treeplanner.moretreesnow.eco/events/east-hunsbury-grangewood-park

CA-WN Climate Cafe

Wednesday 12 February 8:00pm - 9:00pm (online)
Climate Cafes offer a safe space to share how you are feeling about climate change. There is no pressure to join in, no commitment to attend subsequent events, just conversation with like-minded people.
These monthly events are open to anyone and we are often joined by people from other parts of the UK and even other parts of the world.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1057232935169?aff=oddtdtcreator

Show the Love Surprise

Friday 14 February, Farmers’ Market 11:00am, Sponne Shopping Centre, Towcester, NN12 6BX
As part of the Climate Coalition Show the Love campaign, Towcester Evening WI is having a stand at the Farmers’ Market on Valentine's Day. This year they are going for something different to attract attention, and to get the message across -  so have planned a surprise to happen at 11am.
The WI would like as many people as possible to join them for a short time just before 11am to help promote Towcester and to witness the surprise!

CA-WN Monthly Public Meeting

Thursday 20 February 7:45pm - 9:00pm (online)
Our meetings are open to all and newcomers are very welcome.  
February's guest speaker is Niall Toru a senior lawyer at Friends of the Earth. Niall will speak to us about the legal cases Friends of the Earth has been involved in, including those where FoE have provided invaluable legal support to local campaign groups. It will be interesting to find out about the work that gone into some notable successes, and cases still underway.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1057198100979?aff=oddtdtcreator

*Umbrella Fair Climate Cafes

Every other Wednesday from 7:30pm at the Umbrella Pavilion, the Racecourse, Northampton
On the first and third Wednesdays of each month, the Umbrella Climate Emergency Action Hub hold a “Climate Café”. Many local people attend this to socialise, meet with other concerned citizens and get stuck into other community activities that look to improve our climate and environment. https://www.facebook.com/UmbrellaFair

Friends of the Earth training and events

CA-WN is affiliated to FoE as a Climate Action Group, which provides benefits including access to their training and events. This includes on 19th April an introduction to Active Hope, a resilience and wellbeing practice designed to help us find and offer our best response to the crises unfolding in our world. Details and booking: https://groups.friendsoftheearth.uk/training/training-and-events.

Regular CA-WN events

2nd Wednesday of every month online Climate Café 8:00 - 9:00 pm
3rd Thursday of every month General Meeting (online) 7:45 - 9:00 pm

All Climate Cafes and general meetings are free and open to all. Find out more and register for free on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/climate-action-west-northamptonshire-34423488393

Guest speakers for future CA-WN monthly public meetings
February 20th - Niall Toru, Senior Lawyer, Friends of the Earth.
March 20th - Alan Ryan, Programme Manager Flood and Water Team, WNC

Click here for details of past speakers.