
In the UK we are privileged to have fresh safe water on tap, but a complex set of natural and man-made systems is needed to deliver this. During the 2021 and 2022 Great Big Green Weeks, CA-WN was able to put on talks from speakers who gave us expert insights into the complexity and fragility of our water supplies.
Lindsay Shepherd Singh spoke to us about water security in 2021. You can see her presentation slides here Water security and scarcity.
Lindsay studied Geopolitics, Resources & Territory as a postgraduate student at King’s College London. She has particular interest in transboundary water resources and specifically the impact of geopolitics on aquifers in North India having worked in politics in the region for a number of years and seen first-hand an unfolding groundwater crisis. Having previously studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Lindsay believes in an interdisciplinary approach to addressing major global climate concerns. Lindsay also owns and runs Re, a zero waste shop in Flore, Northamptonshire, which she founded in 2019 (read about the joys of packaging-free shopping here).
During Great Big Green Week 2022 we were privileged to have two speakers on Water, with very different perspectives:
Abigail Wickes, Anglian Water Customer Engagement Manager, talked about AW's purpose, the challenges faced by them and the communities they serve and what is being done to deal with these. Her slides are available here Anglian Water Purpose and Challenges.
Elizabeth Sharpe has wide academic and practical experience as a hydrogeologist and spoke to us about the impact of climate change on our water resources nationally and globally. Her slides are available here Hydrogeology - water and climate change.
Both Abi and Elizabeth's presentations were recorded and can be watched on the CA-WN YouTube channel.