The latest from CA-WN Exchange - March 2023

The latest from CA-WN Exchange - March 2023
Photo by Arseny Togulev / Unsplash

Do you sometimes wonder why you bother? When all around you, others seem to be merrily going about their business making high carbon choices without a care in the world? After all, it’s their planet too – their extreme weather, their rising sea levels and their food shortages.

It’s something that frustrates me on a daily basis and something that can elicit anger and despondency in equal measure if I let it. It has, however, forced me to examine why I bother to spend time on things like extensively researching my options before spending any money and sometimes taking the less convenient but lower carbon travel option. As a mother, my first motivation, biologically, is fear for my children’s futures. But also as a global citizen I feel like it’s my duty not to make life more difficult for others by supporting harmful industries such as aviation, fast fashion and plastic manufacturing – Ella’s ‘Three Things for Climate’ in this issue really resonated with me for this reason. Perhaps a subconscious reason for bothering is that I don’t subscribe to the paradigm that humans are special and separate from the natural world – our rich and diverse environment has enabled our lifestyles and can destroy them too if we don’t respect it.

Motivation also comes from hearing stories about the positive actions that others are taking. This issue of the CA-WN Exchange can help with this – we hear from an inspiring Parish Councillor, Callum Boddington, and about the exciting projects being undertaken by Northampton Town Council’s Climate Change Forum. Peter Doveston digs deep into the motivation for reducing car use, and if you still need more motivation to reduce car use, check out the issue of air pollution that a
CA-WN project has been helping to uncover. A new feature is a spotlight on other councils' climate action - this month we look at Wirral Council's ambitious tree, hedge and woodland strategy.

Thankfully not all sustainable choices require soul searching to stay motivated: watching the wildlife enjoying your untidy garden and admiring the scenery on a relaxing rail trip rather than the inside of a busy airport, sell themselves.
Clare Slater

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