Quick oat milk

Quick oat milk

What you need

100g / 4oz porridge oats
750ml / 25fl oz cold water
Optional sweetener of choice : maple syrup, date syrup, coconut sugar etc

What you need to do

Put the porridge oats in a bowl and completely submerge them with filtered water.
Cover the bowl and leave somewhere cool for four hours or overnight.

Tip the oats and water into a liquidiser or food processor.
Blend for 2–4 minutes until completely smooth and there are no oats visible.

Line a sieve with a clean piece of muslin or cheesecloth.
Put the lined sieve over a bowl or jug and pour in the blended oats and water.
Gather the sides of the muslin together and squeeze tightly with both hands to extract the milk.

Add sweetener if you prefer a sweeter taste.
Add more water if you prefer a thinner consistency.

Oat milk stored in a sealed bottle or container will last 3–4 days in the fridge.

This recipe is courtesy of the vegan chef Natasha Caton, guest speaker at our October 2023 meeting. Many thanks Natasha.