Bees - culture and survival

Bees - culture and survival
Photo by Meggyn Pomerleau on Unsplash

This edition of the long-running radio 4 programme Start The Week was recommended by Peter Nalder of South Court Environmental. Here's what he had to say:

'What Bees Need'
Listen to this on the radio if you can, online or on-repeat if available: It’s the 45-minute ‘Start the Week’ programme broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 9 am on May 13th.
It was excellent on the subject of bees – not just honeybees – and what the many UK bee species need in order to ‘get a life’. 
I’d like to have a single session or a series of discussions before long with all and any members who have also listened to it. But tell me if you would prefer instead to have some brief notes I’ve made from listening to it.
The conversation will be about what you’ve heard or reread. And relating it to what more we need to be doing for bees on each of our sites. Or your very own site, of course.
Start the Week - Bees – culture and survival - BBC Sounds
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