CA-WN Monthly Public Meeting 12 September

CA-WN Monthly Public Meeting 12 September

Thursday 12 September 7:45pm-9:00pm (online)
Meeting open to all - newcomers welcome.
Our guest speaker this month is Tim O'Callaghan from Electric Places Corby, a company working with the public and private sector to deliver projects which support transition to a low carbon economy.
Register to receive a Zoom link

Guest speakers for future CA-WN monthly public meetings
October 17th - Marga Witteman, from More Trees Now in the Netherlands
November 21st - Emmie Williamson, with the second in a series of four talks on Climate Psychology
January 16th - Milly Fyfe, farmer's wife and founder of No Fuss Meals for Busy Parents

Dates for your diary:

Wednesday 11 September (online)
Climate Café
Thursday 19 September, Arc Cinema, Daventry
CA-WN is co-hosting a screening of Six Inches of Soil, an independent film following the stories of three new farmers learning regenerative farming practices
Wednesday 9 October, Delapre Abbey
Climate Summit for Parish and Town Councils

More information: