University of Northampton Sustainability Summit
CA-WN out and about

The organising committee for Northamptonshire’s first ever Sustainability Summit had booked top quality speakers and panel guests, and attracted a good size audience from local businesses and organisations.
There was a strong business focus to the event, and it was so beneficial to hear from business people who are energetically committed to making a positive impact on the environment and communities in which they operate. All freely acknowledged there is more to do, and that the ‘bottom line’ is still a priority – in fact a key message from the summit was that it is possible to be profitable, as well as environmentally and socially responsible.
The primary output from the event was the Northamptonshire Sustainability Accord, which summarised sustainability challenges and objectives. The UoN are now in the process of setting up the ‘Sustainability Local Innovation Partnership Agenda Hub’ (SLIPAH) which will work with local stakeholders to deliver on the Accord’s ambitions. There will be ongoing monitoring of progress, and a full report back at the 2024 Summit, which the University have already committed to host.
When the Accord and presentations are shared we’ll make them available to CA-WN Exchange subscribers.
You can read a fuller report of this event as part of the May meeting minutes.