Possible, Ways to Net Zero by Chris Goodall

Possible, Ways to Net Zero by Chris Goodall

Chris Goodall runs the Carbon Commentary newsletter, and is the author of The Switch and What We Need to Do Now. A number of his books feature in CA-WN's Lending Library list. Possible is another example of his clear explanations of what sustainability requires, this time taking a global look at net zero targets.

In earlier books he calls for 'electrifying everything' with a focus on the car industry. In this book he looks at the tougher challenge of decarbonising trucks, flights, shipping, cement and steel — sectors that are harder to electrify. Goodall sets out the many hurdles that need to be overcome, but ultimately concludes that solutions will be found in a world where technological progress is coming faster than widely realised. New tech featured includes Sweden’s H2 Green Steel, California’s Fortera cement substitute, Hong Kong garment-to-garment recycling, Finnish turbine company Coolbrook, Norwegian e-fuels, and Captura’s innovative ocean CO2 capture.

The book is helpfully set out with a look at sixteen challenges that we must overcome. He uses case studies and success stories from businesses around the world, which is interesting in and of itself. I haven't finished this book yet, but Chris Goodall is winning me over and I really do believe that a net zero future is possible.