My Three Things for Climate Change

by Paul Slater, Consultant Anaesthetist, Northampton General Hospital
I have become increasingly conscious of the poor state of the environment over the last few years; as part of my contribution to the solution I have been gradually making more changes to my lifestyle. Of course, individuals cannot tackle this crisis alone, but I do believe that the additive effect of collective personal actions will help to combat the current crisis.
1. Travel. I cycle to work whenever possible and take other journeys by public transport or in our electric car. We have recently started to make more journeys by train, including family holidays, and I haven’t taken a flight for 4 years.
2. Diet. Although I am not fully vegetarian, I have massively reduced my consumption of meat to the point where I often go for a few weeks without eating meat. I am finding it easier to choose meat free options and just eat meat occasionally.
3. Finance. I have recently become aware of major banks financing fossil fuel extraction and so I have converted my savings account to an ethical provider.