My Three Things For Climate Change

by Orianne Neyroud GCSE student and CA-WN steering group member
We have all made changes in a bid to be more environmentally friendly. Here I will share three of those little things I have done to lessen my impact. Recently my family and I became flexitarian. Flexitarianism is a vegetarian diet that allows for that bacon craving or occasional burger. This lack of rules helped at first. We had to change our cooking habits but we learnt a lot. Honestly the biggest thing we realised was how much we took meat for granted. We also became aware of how much meat costs when our supermarket trips suddenly became cheaper! I found I didn’t miss meat or fish so I decided to become vegetarian. Secondly I started trying to cut out plastic. For example using solid soap, getting a veg box and glass milk bottles.
These changes were harder, being both scarcer and more expensive than plastic alternatives but I am doing my best to get onto the road to zero waste. Finally I stopped buying unnecessary things. I became stricter with myself only buying clothes when I needed some and recycling/giving away what I didn’t wear anymore. I didn’t replace my phone until it was very unreliable and now avoid online browsing to prevent an impulse buy. This actually made me feel good. An uncluttered wardrobe and not wasting money is rewarding and better for the planet. So those are three things I have done to be environmentally friendly. They seem inconsequential but little actions start to add up!