How you can help

How you can help
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

CA-WN aims to be a welcoming and inclusive community and there will never be any requirement to do more than you are able to and comfortable with.

Equally we want everyone to be able to get involved if they want to. This doesn't need to mean an ongoing or regular commitment. These are some opportunities to support CA-WN in practical ways (email if you're interested):

Representing CA-WN at local events
As a local group we are really keen to get out and engage with people face to face. This means going to local events fairly often.  If you are able to be part of a small CA-WN team at an event near you, please get in touch. These are some of the events we have attended this year:
- Climate Chaos - Save Our Future, Northampton College
- Greener Byfield Family Fun, Byfield Pocket Park
- Tea & Cake with CA-WN, Towcester Sawpits Centre
- Sustainable Northamptonshire - University of Northampton

Full details of forthcoming events on the What’s On page.

Presenting a statement at a West Northamptonshire Council meeting
Since WNC came into being 2 years ago, we have presented more than a dozen statements at WNC council meetings. This has a had a real impact in terms of raising our profile and influencing the council’s stance on climate and environmental issues. It genuinely helps to have a range of people representing CA-WN on this very public stage. This isn’t for everyone – it is a bit daunting and does require attending an evening meeting in person. But if you are up for it, we will be there to support you with drafting and delivering your 3-minute statement.

Writing for CA-WN Exchange
We are always happy to receive contributions for CA-WN Exchange – you could:
- Write a short recommendation of a book you’ve read or podcast you love on a climate or environmental topic
- Share your personal actions for the climate as part of our ‘Small Things are Important’ feature
- Recommend a local business with a strong ethical and sustainable approach to cover under ‘Business as a Force for Good’
- Write about something you are passionate about on a climate or environmental theme

Joining or supporting an existing local environmental group
We've put together a directory of the groups we know about - there are lots around so there should be one near you. If your local group isn't on the list, please let us know!
Local climate and environmental groups (