Generation One: The Climate Podcast

Generation One: The Climate Podcast

This podcast is hosted by leading climate experts from University College London and has covered a range of topics from electric batteries to trees and climate finance. It has an engaging mix of scientific expertise and enthusiasm.

The two latest episodes cover biodiversity, with a report on the release of beavers in West London and an update from the biodiversity COP 16 in Columbia, and most recently a panel review of COP 29 in Baku. One of the panel members was a UCL student representing the UK Youth Climate Coalition, and her suggestion for improving COP was:

COP needs to be less comfortable, let's have COP in areas of the world where climate change is very obvious, let's have it in the summer in say, India, when there's heat waves going on, or let's have it when there's floods in the Philippines, just so that people can understand that this is happening right now.

Why not?