Climate Chaos – Save Our Future
CA-WN out and about

This event was organised by Transition Town Northampton to bring together local groups, organisations and individuals, all with a common interest in addressing the climate emergency, and they succeeded. The attendees ranged from West Northamptonshire councillors and officers, including the Leader of the Council Jonathan Nunn, to representatives of local environmental and community groups such as the Umbrella Fair Organisation and Northampton Town Climate Forum, plus activists from Extinction Rebellion, and Green and Labour party parliamentary candidates.
The headliner was a presentation by Paul Allen from the Centre for Alternative Technology, summarising CAT’s Zero Carbon Britain report as a scenario for the future. This set the scene for a lively Q&A discussion – it was clear that everyone present understood and cared deeply about the threat posed by climate change. If we in West Northants are to succeed in making our area and neighbourhoods zero carbon and resilient to the effects of climate change, that common concern must continue to bring us together despite other differences.
You can read a fuller report of this event in the May meeting minutes.