Claim Back Your Space

Any space can be rewilded by just standing back and letting nature get on with it, and many of our richest wild places were shaped this way.
If the soil is nutrient poor this may be a good idea but all too often what you end up with are nettles, thistles and other nitrogen-loving plants. These are all important because they support a huge variety of wildlife. Several of our most colourful butterflies need nettles as food for their caterpillars, and young nettle tops make a delicious soup to warm us up in spring!
CA-WN has start up notes for those keen to make the most of any rewilding opportunity. Though aimed at a parish-sized area the notes can be scaled down for even the average front garden or a strip of roadside verge.
Claim Back Your Space: Working With Nature
Start-up notes for small projects can be read here.